CNRS researcher (tenured, HDR) at the Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics (ISIR), Sorbonne Université in Paris. I am a member of the HCI Sorbonne group

I conduct interdisciplinary research at the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Machine Learning (ML). My recent work has focused on interactive and collaborative machine learning with the general public, artists or domain experts, ML-assisted human learning; Human-IA trust, and the study of practices and politics of AI in the creative and cultural sectors.

Office H11 - Pyramide – Tour 55-56
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
4, Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris – France


01-2025 Our CHI paper on generative AI in documentary photography has been accepted.
10-2024 Our TOCHI special issue is out! We explore the rich and complex histories of uncertainty in design: philosophical significance, role in algorithmic processes, and importance in prototyping:
01-2024 I am one of the Microsoft Research AI & Society Fellows for the "towards creative-centred AI" research challence (
11-2023 The volume on "AI in Museums" for which I contributed is in print (linkedin post)
10-2023 Participating to the AI & Design symposium at Delft university
06-2023 Two papers presented at NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression conference) with Théo Jourdan => publications
05-2023 Defence of my Habilitation to Direct Research
"Machine Learning in Interaction: Tool, Material, Culture"


I am a CNRS researcher, affiliated with the Institute for Intelligent Systems and Robotics (ISIR) at Sorbonne Université in Paris. I conduct research in Human-Computer Interaction. I am particularly interested in the uses of machine learning in creative and cultural fields, and in ways of improving people's ability to act and understand these technologies. Alongside my research activities, I have been a scientific expert for the European Commission on AI in the creative sectors. I am a contributing member of the Fronte Vaccuo collective and a laureate of Microsoft Research's AI and Society program. I hold a PhD in computer music from IRCAM and a Habilitation to Direct Reseearch (HDR) from University Paris-Saclay in 2023.
CV (Sep 2023)


  • 2024-2025 Microsoft Research AI & Society Program fellowship:
  • 2024-2027 Doctoral Funding Collaborative Human-centred Machine Learning for Archival Practice. PEPR eNSEMBLE.
  • 2020-2024 ARCOL Interactive Human-Machine Co-learning. ANR-funded project (French National Agency for Research), Individual Fellowship for Young Researcher, Coordinator -
  • 2018-2022 ELEMENT Enhancing Learnability in Embodied Interaction. ANR-funded project (French National Agency for Research), PI for LRI (coordinator: IRCAM), funded within the French AI Program -
  • 2021 Spiropathies: Intelligent System for Breathing Care, post-doc position funded by the Health & Technology Institute at Sorbonne University.
  • 2018 INTACT Human-AI Interaction in Artistic Practices. CNRS funding for exploratory research, PEPS S2IH.
  • 2016-2018 MIM Enhancing Motion Interaction. Marie Sklodowska Individual Fellowship.


Post-doc (current and former)

  • Théo Jourdan - researcher in ML, privacy, music technology
  • Hugo Scurto - artist and researcher in sound, ML, interaction, working on Spiropathies
  • Antoine Loriette - researcher in Human-Computer Interaction, Movement-based Interaction, working on ARCOL

PhD Student (current and former)

  • Lenny Martinez - "Collaborative Human-centered Machine Learning for Archival Practice: Enhancing Accessibility, Transmission, and Curation" - Starting February 2024
  • Behnoosh Mohammadzadeh - "Collaborative Machine Teaching" - Started October 2022
  • Vaynee Sungeelee - "Interactive Reinforcement Co-Learning" - Started Feburary 2021
  • Oleksandra Vereschak - "Trust in Human-AI Interaction" - (started October 2019 - defended Decembre 2022)
  • Téo Sanchez - "Co-Learning in Interactive Systems" - (started September 2018 - defended June 2022)
  • Miguel Renom Roldan - "Theoretical bases of human tool use in digital environments" - (started October 2018 - defended April 2022)
  • Jean-Philippe Rivière - thesis: "Facilitating Dance Movement Learning through Interactive Feedbacks" - (started October 2017 - defended Decembre 2020)